Because we're all addicted to them, we just deny it.

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Woefully Behind Wednesday

Yes, I know, it’s been a while. But don’t worry! I’m not planning on leaving the blog this time. Unfortunately though (well, unfortunately for the blog, fortunately for me), it’s been a bit crazy around here. Not to say too much, but I’m hoping to change up a few things in my life in the near future. Oh, and I’m hoping to get officially published by someone who isn’t me as well. Wish me luck, time’s about here!

In addition to all the other stuff going on in my life… I did THIS:


on the way  to whitewater rafting (how’s that for irony?) last weekend. I got to lay in a chair while everyone else did THIS:


So jealous. But they had fun, and actually, I did too. Next year, people, next year! Am more than ready to get this stupid boot off, let me tell you.